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Online Reviews

Below you will find links to our most recent press and product reviews:

Kristine Protopsaltis

"I recently had the good fortune of being asked to evaluate Vou Pre’s Aqua Skincare Collection. I won’t make you wait for the results. I loved it! Let me tell you more
about it."

Ariel Frankeny

"As an avid skincare junkie who is always on the hunt for the next best thing to add to my routine, I was ecstatic to have the unique chance to give this collection a try for myself."

Sarah Foley

"I decided to try Vou Pre, a new brand that focuses on holistic skincare regimens. I sampled their Thermal Collection, but they also have the Aqua Collection and Cannabis Collection to treat varying skincare needs."

Heidi Kim

"I have a confession. I’m a big skincare junkie. If you look in my makeup drawer, you’ll find bottles, jars, and tubes galore. My medicine cabinet is no better. And somewhere in my closet, there are boxes full of skincare samples I’ve collected over the recent years — all barely touched."

Lorel Rodriguez

"Vou Pre is a luxury skincare brand that synergizes skincare, beauty, and science. Founded by dermatologist Dr. Mary Luchetti, Vou Pre’s products are carefully made with the gentlest, finest, and most effective ingredients."

Maria Carron

"If you’re like me and enjoy knowing “what’s hot” BEFORE everyone else, you’ll want to get your hands on Vou Pre. This line of skincare is designed and formulated by an actual dermatologist – not a random celebrity trying to add to their money grubbing empire"

Clara Doyle

"Cannabis skincare products have intrigued me for a while,
and that’s when I stumbled across the Vou Pre Cannabis Collection
by Dr. Luchetti MD. Cannabis Sativa seed oil is found in three of the
four products."

Catarena VanAusdall

"Vou Pre is a brand created by Dr. Luchetti, incorporating unique ingredients together to make complete, effective regimens. I was lucky enough to receive the Aqua Collection by Vou Pre, and today I’ll be giving a full truthful review of this 3-step set of goodies
(plus a derma roller and mask applicator tool)!"


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