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What Most People Don’t Know About Skincare


In recent years, the average skincare routine has expanded. The rise in popularity of the 10-step Korean skincare routine has exacerbated this, along with the fact that it’s so easy to be swayed into buying a certain skincare product because a celebrity has recommended it or due to a catchy social media campaign. Either way, it means that people often tend to accumulate a vast arsenal of skincare products, slathering their skin with hundreds of different ingredients each day. With long and complex skincare routines trending, surely this is the best way forward for your skin?

Turns out, it’s not. What most people don’t realize about skincare is that, most of the time, less is more. An emerging concept coined as skinimalism, this approach has slowly been gaining traction lately. People have been ditching their over-complicated skincare routines in favor of the basics, and have been seeing some great improvements as a result.

Ready to find out more about the ‘less is more’ approach to skincare? Read on as VouPre dives in!

The Benefits of ‘Less is More’ With Your Skincare

So, after investing in a multitude of different skincare products, why would you now want to start cutting some of them out of your skincare routine? Here are just a few of the benefits that you could see:

Reduces Skin Stress, Inflammation, and Irritation

With each product you apply to your skin, you increase your chances of experiencing irritation and inflammation, both of which cause stress to the skin. Why is this? Simply because your skin is unlikely to happily tolerate every single ingredient out there. The more products you apply, the more ingredients your skin will be coming into contact with, raising the likelihood of a reaction. 

This is exacerbated by the fact that certain ingredient combinations can cause inflammation in the skin. Some ingredients just shouldn’t be used alongside each other. However, apply ten products to your skin, one after the other, and there’s more chance that you’ll end up mistakenly combining the wrong ingredients.

Science confirms this, with studies showing that an over-complicated skincare routine can damage the skin’s natural protective barrier. This barrier is vital when it comes to keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. Your skincare routine should be geared toward enhancing that precious barrier rather than harming it.

Allows Each Product to Work to its Full Potential

Vita C Serum

Say you’ve purchased a high-quality vitamin C serum in an attempt to soften the appearance of fine lines and discoloration. It goes without saying that you want the vitamin C in your serum to shine! If you’re hoping to see big results from this science-backed ingredient, it needs to be able to work to the best of its abilities.

However, if you then go and slather another eight skincare products over the top of your serum, you’ll end up smothering the vitamin C with so many other ingredients. The vitamin C will end up diluted and less of it will reach your skin cells.

While many believe that adding more products to their skincare routine will make that regimen more effective, the opposite is usually true. Keep your routine simple and the products within will be able to get the job done without interference.

Saves Time and Money

There’s no getting around the fact that good skincare is usually pretty pricey. Sure, there are several quality budget-friendly products out there but if you want to pamper your skin with cutting-edge ingredients that have been formulated with the latest advancements in technology, you’ll end up paying for the privilege. 

As a result, a long skincare routine can make quite a dent in your bank account. Stop buying quite as many products and not only will you save money, but you’ll also save time when it comes to both shopping for skincare and carrying out your routine twice a day.

Going Back to Basics

Want to try simplifying your skincare routine but don’t know which products you should be cutting out? 

The best way forward is to go back to basics with your skincare routine. This means using just two or three products twice a day:

A Cleanser

Radiance Facial Cleanser

The very first product that you should be using is a cleanser. This is a non-negotiable because without cleansing your skin, your other products won’t be able to push past the dirt, sebum, and more that cover the surface of your skin. This means that they won’t be able to work properly. Plus, fail to cleanse your skin and all of those impurities will only make their way into your pores. This will leave your skin looking dull, feeling rough, and prone to acne breakouts.

However, let’s not forget that one of the aims in the ‘less is more’ approach to skincare is ensuring that your skin barrier feels supported rather than overwhelmed. Therefore, think twice before using any cleansers that have been formulated with harsh, skin-stripping surfactants. Instead, pick a formula that uses gentle cleansing agents, just like the VouPre Radiance Facial Cleanser. With a blend of vitamin E and amino acids, it will leave your skin barrier feeling strengthened.

A Moisturizer (With SPF in the Mornings)

Age Defense Cream SPF 30

Take a look at some of the longer skincare routines out there and the initial cleanse is sometimes followed by up to 15 different products. When taking things back to basics, you only need to use one product after cleansing; a moisturizer. 

With that said, you’ll need to have two different moisturizers to hand. One should be designed for morning use and the other for evenings.

What’s the difference? Daytime moisturizers are formulated to keep the skin feeling safe when faced with environmental aggressors. Ideally, your day moisturizer should contain SPF too. This will save you from having to use a separate sunscreen and further extend your skincare routine. A moisturizer like the VouPre Age Defense Cream SPF 30 would be perfect!

In the evenings, your skin needs some extra moisture, as well as some assistance in repairing the appearance of daily damage. A good night cream, like the VouPre Revitalizing Night Cream, will be designed to provide this. 

Adding in a Booster Product

Cannabis collection

Of course, while the basic, two-step skincare routine detailed above is all that you need to maintain a healthy complexion, your skin would undoubtedly benefit from an extra booster product if you’re also trying to tackle the appearance of any skin concerns.

Dehydration, for example, is best rectified with a product that specifically focuses on deeply hydrating the complexion. The VouPre String Lift Sculpting System, which contains six forms of hyaluronic acid, one of the most hydrating ingredients around, would be a worthy addition to your skincare routine if ramping up hydration is your aim.

Meanwhile, if you’re hoping to reduce the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles, an antioxidant-rich face serum, like the VouPre Cannabis Facial Serum, should be added to your daily routine. This formula contains vitamins A and C, along with hemp seed oil, sodium hyaluronate, and lactic acid.

You’ll Still Need an Exfoliant

Deep Renewal Facial Peel

Even if you keep your daily skincare routine to just two products, there’s one extra product that you’ll need to use a couple of times a week; an exfoliant. This is another essential, even if you religiously cleanse your skin twice a day. A cleanser only cleans the surface of the skin, whereas an exfoliant will leave the deeper layers of your complexion feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

However, once again, your skin barrier needs to be the focus. The healthier it feels, the more effective your skincare products will be, and the better your skin will look as a result. Unfortunately, many exfoliants are notorious for damaging this barrier. This makes it crucial that you’re careful with your choice of product.

Our recommendation? The VouPre Deep Renewal Facial Peel. It’s gentle yet works beautifully when it comes to removing dead skin cells and clearing out the pores. Give it a try and your skin will immediately look brighter and smoother!

Prioritize Multi-Functionality

Advanced Gold Eye Serum

If your skincare routine currently consists of 10-15 products, the thought of having to bid farewell to the majority of these in favor of just two products can seem daunting, so much so that you probably won’t want to give this concept a try. However, there’s no need to go from one extreme to the other. Rather than stripping your routine back to only two products, try meeting in the middle at five-ish.

How do you decide which ones to include? 

Prioritize the multi-functional products. If, for example, you use an eye serum to help with the appearance of crow’s feet and an eye cream to lighten the look of dark circles, find a single product that’s able to replace that duo. The VouPre Advanced Gold Eye Serum would be a great choice. With licorice root extract, vitamin C, peptides, grape stem cells, sodium hyaluronate, and more, it will leave your eye area looking brighter, smoother, and perkier.

Understanding Your Skin’s Needs

When it comes down to it, there isn’t a strict right or wrong answer in terms of how long a skincare routine should be. In the end, it all depends on your skin’s needs. However, this is where many people falter. They fill their skincare routine with products that their skin doesn’t actually need, aiming for a certain number of steps rather than a specific end goal.

If you’re hoping for a truly healthy complexion, don’t fall into that trap. Instead, take some time to listen to what your skin is asking for, and then figure out how to meet those needs with as few products as possible!

Click here to browse more skincare bestsellers from VouPre.